
Introduction to Part 1

Part 1: Covers from 05.05.2008 to 07.04.2008

InMy-iPad-Retina-Wallpaper-HD-Water(67)-thumb one of the normal days of my life, the humongous Wave of Destiny swallowed me. She came after me while I was in bed, for the first and only time I had fallen asleep, waiting for my son to come home from his night shift with Ambulance.

It was Friday, 04.18.08, at 1:10 a.m. Two days before full moon. That is when she forced herself into my bedroom and grabbed and swept me away. Only to be sucked into a swirling vortex, the pathway into the Desert of Death. That is how and when my Journey started.

Needless to say, nothing was left untouched by that wave. Distraction after distraction was taking place. She took her time and with purposeful force was coming back over and over again till there was no more left of what could even possibly resemble my Life Before.

The magnitude of her weight and energetic power that was released by the divine hand that came crashing on me, on us, is simply indescribable. Only those who were covered by her know what I am taking about. No one else will be able to grasp it. No offense.

Those first days, weeks, months, I had no idea how to breathe, walk, or just be. I knew nothing about what was awaiting me. I entered the place of the unknown and ambiguous. Everything was unfolding very fast, silently and forcefully. The adrenaline of a shock was running in my veins.

The conversations with my son kept me alive. His vivid, energetic presence was always there. Yet to some degree it all was confusing, and at times I was losing myself in between worlds, not knowing what exactly all these meant. One day I knew everything and was very clear, the next day nothing made sense.

Now looking back, I wonder how I was even able to make it from one day to another. I was “naïve” and had no idea what awaits me. No one ever can be ready for this kind Journey. No one.