The Test of All Tests


Hi my dear mommy,

Happy Rosh Hashana to you with many blessings from above. I prayed and prayed for all of you yesterday and for the whole world that suffers so much pain.

We absolutely need Divine intervention; intervention is coming.  Yes, the economy will sink even more so. But mom, this is not about events.

This is about the journey of the soul on earth at this moment. The main criteria as following:

  • Are you able to live the will of Divine Providence with full acceptance of his plans without becoming fearful or sour?
  • Do you have enough trust to know that this all is pre-planned and is all needed for the development of your soul?
  • Can you stand in the midst of the storm and with confidence say it is all good and all right. Can you say with sweetness and confidence, “I accept, I surrender, I trust?”

If you can and if you do so, then know this: you are sitting on the palm of G-d and there is no connection closer to this.

Trust is what gives you the intimate relationship between you and our creator.

So, what is your trust level?  How close are you to your creator? Yes, accepting the will of G-d and living with the will of G-d are two different stages.

The test of all tests is the ability to live the will of G-d through any weather with sweetness in the soul and peace in the heart.

When you do so, then know that you are contributing to the manifestation of common intervention. The army that wins battlefields is the army that trusts its general.

That is all that I have say today.

With love,

–Your celestial son.

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