Working Together


My dearest mommy,

It feels so nice to talk to you again. I love you very much my dearest and please do not worry about forgetting me.

I will be coming to you in your dreams, and I will be coming to you as a wave of energy.  I will always find ways to remind you that I am next to you.  You just need to know that I will never ever leave you. I am always with you.

Now, please listen to me; I have something to tell you. I want to talk to you about our work together.  Our work consists of many dimensions.  At the right time  I would come to you with very precise tasks.

Till then, I need you to just be. Do what feels right for the moment.

For the time being, just learn to fight for your life. Fight for what is important to you.  Then the rest will come as it shall. 

I’m here and I will help you.  Do not worry you will be fine. I love you!

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